The poor philanthropist
(3 minute read) Adam Brocklehurst discovers a man who sought to stay poor to give to the poor.
Windows on the world
(2 minute read) Nicole Law reflects on the limits - and possibilities - of looking through the windows in our lives.
Editorial: Life in miniature
(2 minute read) Small is beautiful, thinks Tascha Von Uexkull, at least as far as books are concerned.
Lessons from the lions
(6 minute read) Lisa Fraser looks at the king of the jungle in art, history and literature and finds they are more complex beasts than we may realise.
Riding the crest of the wave
(3 minute read) Nicola Law puts brush to canvas and learns lessons from the power of the sea.
A tale of two Canalettos
(4 minute read) Adam Brocklehurst reveals the tricks of one of Europe’s great painters and the genius of his lesser-known nephew.
The hidden meaning of Christmas art
(5 minute read) Carolyn Morrison offers a guide to the meaning and message of Christmas through five very different artworks, from Bruegel to Banksy.
Van Gogh revealed
(6 minute read) Forget the paintings, read his letters to discover the real Vincent, says Lisa Fraser.
Painting the unseen
(4 minute read) Lisa Fraser meets artist James Earley whose portraits of people living on the edge of society are making waves.
The reluctant admiration of genius
(4 minute read) Adam Brocklehurst offers a starkly honest review of the exhibition Lucian Freud: Real Lives at the Tate Gallery in Liverpool.