A crisis of confidence: what future for the West?
(8 minutes) Seeing the Western world’s Christian heritage as ‘unwanted baggage’ only puts at risk our future, argues Toby Lees.
The Existential Bob Dylan
(10 minutes) Michael Kirke celebrates a modern-day Homer who, guitar in hand, has sung his epic as the great Greek bard did centuries ago with his lyre.
“The Remains of a Negro”: Edward Lamb Parsons and his mysterious companion in death
(14 minutes) Adam Brocklehurst went digging to discover some of the human faces involved in the transatlantic slave trade.
“I am rich and have no idea what to do with my life”
(7 minutes) Vinay Hiremath, the co-founder of Loom, sold his start-up for $975 million to the Australian software company Atlassian in 2023. But in a recent blog post he reveals deep insecurity about the direction his life is taking.
Learning history’s lessons: how martial law was resisted in South Korea
(4 minutes) Hanseul Lee describes the dramatic role of young people in defending the nation’s democratic institutions.
Start a revolution: tell the truth
(8 minutes) Renouncing the search for truth is to condemn our lives to futility, argues Joseph Evans.
Dare we hope?
(7 minutes) World prospects seem bleak as 2025 begins, but Julia Wdowin still finds reasons for hope.
The Italian presepe: history and meaning of an ancient Christmas tradition
(6 minutes) Monica Sharp explains why the comforting presence of the crèche persists.
“Society tells us we can handle everything on our own, and it’s not true”
(7 minutes) Nuria Casas is the author of the book La cicatriz que perdura (The scar that lasts), in which she tells how she managed to overcome an eating disorder. Teresa Aguado Peña heard her story.
“To give in to pessimism … is to give up thinking”
(6 minutes) Society can be transformed by ‘a revolution of care’, more truth in public life, persevering hope and a greater appreciation of nuance, argues the Catalan philosopher Jaime Nubiola.