
Editorial: Carpe Diem!

We need to squeeze the full juice out of every moment life offers us, argues Ronnie Convery.

Sometimes important life lessons hit you in the most unlikely places.  It happened to me in the cinema many years ago as I watched Robin Williams exhort his group of students in Dead Poets Society, “Carpe Diem!”  

That call to ‘seize the day’ is the theme of Adamah’s offerings this week.  It’s an ancient phrase which has never had greater relevance.

Our obsession with capturing and sharing images online is compromising our lived experience of them, says Roshaney Aftab in her punchy article Live more. Post less.  She’s right. I challenge you to read the article and not agree! 

Lisa Fraser tackles the often-ignored issue of loneliness. And in her powerful piece she offers real options for overcoming the problem. Options that you can incorporate into your life and make it more worth living in the here and now. Today.  Check it out here.

Michael Kirk examines the thorny subject of ambition in his short article Ill-weaved ambitions and their discontents. It’s a powerful lesson on the dangers of wasting the present by obsessing about future fame or success. St Oscar Romero suggested we might consider a different sort of ambition: “Aspire not to have more but to be more,” he said. It’s sound advice. Read the article here.

The temptation to give up is constant. We all experience it from time to time. But after reading Greta Ghiringhelli’s article on the destruction and restoration of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra hopefully you will take courage and move on from whatever situation is holding you back in life. That decision is for today, not tomorrow. The article that might just inspire you is here.

Last but not least Mother’s Day is celebrated at this time of year in most of the world. In her brave column, Nicole Law reminds us of the uniqueness of motherly love, while not hiding from the tensions and stresses that it can bring. Read it here. You may find a few keys to open unresolved issues in your own relationships.

There you have it. Five articles. Five calls to action.  

Now is the hour … Carpe diem!

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Ronnie Convery is a journalist and broadcaster who has written for a variety of publications in the UK and Italy. Currently he divides his time between directing communications at the Archdiocese of Glasgow and serving as Italian Honorary Consul in the city. He has a long background in print and TV, a strong presence on social media and recently penned a book entitled Reclaiming the Piazza (about creating space for dialogue to overcome division). Ronnie is Associate Editor of Adamah.

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