Why work? What my manual labourer father taught me
(5 minutes) A conversation with her father helped Mary Ann Macdonald appreciate that you need to work for deeper motives than money or social prestige.
Carpe Diem
(6 minute read) Lisa Fraser offers practical tips on how to avoid one of the saddest forms of waste - ‘killing’ time.
Men, you’re doing better than you think …
(9 minute read) Lisa Fraser defines what makes a good dad in the 2020s. Men, you're doing better than you think!
Leading lights
(6 minute read) Lisa Fraser looks for lessons in history as she defines her own leadership style.
Anti-refugees? Give them a job
(5 minute read) Eloise Thompson looks at the obstacles facing those fleeing war and persecution as they try to make an honest contribution to their host nation.
Take a break and ask the Big Questions
(2 minute read) Nicole Law sees the danger in a life of workaholism.
The lonely life of the translator
(4 minute read) Monica Sharp explores the experiences of those who only have words for company.
Is the four-day working week a pipe dream or reality?
(3 minute read) Stefan Hatfield looks into the future to predict how working life will change in coming years.
The future of work
(3 minute read) In the ‘new normal’ employers will have to balance paternalism and liberalism in their approach to work, says Prakarsh Singh.
Life in the (too) fast lane
(4 minute read) Monica Sharp says her native USA needs to change to become more humane.