Wellcome to the world of Rooted Beings
(2 minute read) Lisa Fraser is impressed by an exhibition in London which manages to approach environmental issues in a refreshingly non-ideological way.
The end of Roe v Wade must be the start of dialogue
(5 minute read) Katelyn Hannel says pro-life and pro-choice campaigners should stop misrepresenting each other.
Editorial: A life well lived?
(2 minute read) A chance encounter leads Tascha Von Uexkull to ponder on regrets: what do we regret and are we right to do so?
Editorial: Friendship and confrontation
(2 minute read) Tascha Von Uexkull learns that friends sometimes have to clash for their relationship to grow.
Windows on the world
(2 minute read) Nicole Law reflects on the limits - and possibilities - of looking through the windows in our lives.
Editorial: The barriers of insecurity
(2 minute read) The walls we build usually denote weakness rather than strength, argues Joseph Evans.
Editorial: Lemonade from lemons
(2 minute read) Ronnie Convery learns there is a positive side to life's misfortunes.
Tested in fire: the positive side of suffering
(3 minute read) Some words heard at church led Nicole Law to consider how suffering can be a good teacher.
Beauty in chaos
Katelyn Hannel says that, for a teacher, there’s something to be said for a modicum of mayhem.
Sinister sounds: How the phonetics of scare words amplify their meaning
John Kline reflects on how scare words like ‘racist’ and ‘hate’ are designed to rattle us.