Dare we hope?
(7 minutes) World prospects seem bleak as 2025 begins, but Julia Wdowin still finds reasons for hope.
Returning to our hearts
(6 minutes) Pope Francis thinks our age is forgetting about the heart. And he has written a major new document, Dilexit Nos, to remind us of its importance. We offer a few extracts.
Reading a good book helps us read ourselves
(4 minutes) Ryan Service helps us unpack a new document, surprisingly by a pope, which encourages reading not just the Word of God but also the profane word of secular literature.
The young, architects of interreligious harmony
(4 minutes) An interfaith encounter together with Pope Francis in her native Singapore helped Nicole Law appreciate the key role of young people in bringing religious believers together.
Could do better: human dignity, what it is and how we could respect it more
(8 minutes) As much as our age claims to respect human dignity, it often fails to do so. Joseph Evans examines a just published Church document which argues we have much room for improvement.
Laudate Deum: new arguments to combat climate change
(4 minute read) Pope Francis considers climate change so important that the 86-year-old pontiff has decided to attend in person the COP 28 summit in Dubai, starting at the end of this month. Emilio Chuvieco explains what the Pope has written about this topic in a recent papal document.
A penitential pilgrimage
(7 minute read) Mike Lewis learns from Pope Francis' recent trip to Canada that the courage to say sorry is often the way to a better future.
When faith goes green …
(4 minute read) Lisa Fraser reports on the often hidden efforts by the world’s main religions to care for creation.
Taking the temperature of COP26
(4 minute read) Martin Poulsom of the University of Roehampton in London draws on the Christian tradition to offer a verdict on the recent UN conference and the climate emergency.
The poetry of hope
(2 minute read) Nicole Law takes up Pope Francis’ challenge to be a ‘social poet’ and encourages us to create hope.