“I am rich and have no idea what to do with my life”
(7 minutes) Vinay Hiremath, the co-founder of Loom, sold his start-up for $975 million to the Australian software company Atlassian in 2023. But in a recent blog post he reveals deep insecurity about the direction his life is taking.
The Privatisation of Death
(8 minutes) Campaigners for the legalisation of assisted suicide argue that the choice to end one’s life is ultimately a personal decision. But is the choice to die ever just personal? asks Joseph Evans.
The friendship of a saint (part 2)
(10 minutes) In this second part of Paul Shrimpton’s exploration of how John Henry Newman practised friendship, he shows that the saint was a true friend to very different people, also in adversity.
The window of the soul: the value of attention
(6 minutes) Catalan philosopher Jaime Nubiola says we have to pay attention to life to really learn its lessons.
Why the search for truth needs more than Google
(8 minutes) Roshaney Aftab thinks we shouldn’t be so sure about what we claim to know.
The persecution of Christians: how our silence leads to violence
(3 minute read) Wednesday 22nd November is Red Wednesday, a day to remember the persecution of Christians throughout the world. We republish here last year's Adamah Media article in which John Pontifex says it's time to break the silence about Christians being killed for their faith in the contemporary world.
In praise of the Round Table
(7 minute read) Rosie Black reveals how a piece of furniture can be transformed into a university of life.
The little boy and the starfish – or why I am a teacher
(4 minute read) Clare Campbell finds inspiration for action in a powerful children’s story.
Reading behind the lines
(2 minute read) Nicole Law examines the cost of putting principles into action - even when it means changing your local bookstore.
When a trip to the theatre can be as good as a therapy session
(4 minute read) Lisa Fraser reviews Ibsen’s intense drama John Gabriel Borkman.