A tale of two Canalettos
(4 minute read) Adam Brocklehurst reveals the tricks of one of Europe’s great painters and the genius of his lesser-known nephew.
George Orwell on Revolution
(7 minute read) James Bradshaw casts an eye over the great writer’s insights - and oversights - in his treatment of politics and religion.
Take a break and ask the Big Questions
(2 minute read) Nicole Law sees the danger in a life of workaholism.
Lessons in love
(2 minute read) Valentine’s Day teaches Nicole Law that love is more than a hot flush or missed breath.
Editorial: Show mercy first, and then ask questions
(1 minute read) We should start with mercy and calculate afterwards, thinks Joseph Evans after reading this week’s Adamah Media articles.
Quit judging others
(2 minute read) Nicole Law recommends the habit of looking at context before we jump to conclusions about other people.
Controlling death: should we recognise our limits?
(5 minute read) As euthanasia is hotly debated in various countries, Bertille Lelong reports on an inter-religious symposium which explored attitudes to dying in different religions.
No room at the inn of modern Britain
(6 minute read) Maddy Fry enters the maze of rules and regulations which keep thousands of people in the UK trapped in a circle of homelessness and despair.
From pop to poetry: singer-songwriters who should be taken seriously
(7 minute read) Kevin Murphy reflects on the poetic genius of songs that have become, for many of us, the soundtrack of our lives.
Dare to get it wrong!
(2 minute read) Nicole Law says it’s time to take our courage in our hands and risk making mistakes - as a learning strategy.