An ode to snuff
(5 minute read) Edward Kendall explores a pleasure of bygone ages which refuses to die.
What’s wrong in Hong Kong?
(7 minute read) Edward Kendall hears first hand from Benedict Rogers, the founder of Hong Kong Watch, about the worrying changes taking place in the former British colony.
Beware of surrendering your human rights
(5 minute read) ‘Safetyism’ might be the biggest threat we are facing today, argues Edward Kendall.
Thank you for … everything
(5 minute read) Edward Kendall delves into the growing trend to cultivate gratitude.
The essential right to be objectionable
(7 minute read) Edward Kendall urges an examination of conscience to establish whether we are really as open-minded as we like to think we are.
Magna Carta – a very modern charter
(6 minute read) Edward Kendall finds surprisingly relevant lessons from one of Europe’s greatest historical documents.