“May your storytelling also be hopetelling”
(6 minutes) Pope Francis calls on journalists to remember the greatness of their mission.
“Society tells us we can handle everything on our own, and it’s not true”
(7 minutes) Nuria Casas is the author of the book La cicatriz que perdura (The scar that lasts), in which she tells how she managed to overcome an eating disorder. Teresa Aguado Peña heard her story.
Learning death: the importance of connection
(5 minutes) Jenny Sinclair describes how her mother’s efforts to support her dying husband, Jenny’s father, taught her how relationships with each other and with God make it easier to face the natural reality of death. And also about the meaning of life.
“The human person is naturally sacred”
Adamah Media Editorial Director Fr Joseph Evans discusses faith and culture in this interview between him and Fr Toby Lees on Radio Maria.
Malls or more: what are our cities for?
(6 minutes) Ricardo Padilla says it’s time to rethink urban life.
Pretty Hurts: The cult of (physical) beauty in Brazil
(9 minute read) When bodily beauty matters as much as it does in a country like Brazil, the cost can be not only financial but also personal. Bianca Costa Sales explains.
Learning to disagree without being disagreeable in five steps … or rather in five fingers
(9 minute read) Italian author and broadcaster Bruno Mastroianni offers a humorous but thoughtful guide to respectful dialogue using an unusual prop - the fingers of his hand.
In praise of the Round Table
(7 minute read) Rosie Black reveals how a piece of furniture can be transformed into a university of life.
Turning a blind eye
(5 minute read) Tascha Von Uexkull exposes the unseen social and environmental cost of fast fashion.
Philosophy lessons from Spider-Man
(3 minute read) Sean Hurley looks at the hidden themes in the latest Marvel blockbuster.