When society comes apart at the seams
(10 minute read) James Bradshaw finds the predictions of an American academic eerily accurate, but discovers in them ideas for a better future.
The destruction of Palmyra and the rebirth of Syria
(5 minute read) War-scarred communities must embrace again the precious symbols of their identity, argues Greta Ghiringhelli.
Live more, post less
(6 minute read) Our obsession with capturing and sharing images online is compromising our lived experience of them, argues Roshaney Aftab.
The simple grace of being
(3 minute read) We present three poems which focus on the greatness of existence.
Editorial: Believing in love
(3 minute read) We must overcome the pessimism which stops us experiencing the saving power of love, argues Joseph Evans.
Resurrection lessons from wilting flowers
(3 minute read) Watching flowers wilt and return to freshness helped Nicole Law understand better the great Christian mystery of Christ's rising from the dead.
Cheer up?
(7 minute read) Lisa Fraser offers a powerful self-help guide to dealing with the blues.
Five reasons why drilling for gas in the UK is a good idea
(3 minute read) Joel Chacon challenges received wisdom and argues that a compromise is needed to build a truly sustainable future.
Meeting myself again
(2 minute read) Our youthful mistakes and experiments are a key part of our growth, muses Nicole Law.
Editorial: Life is for the living
(1 minute read) Rush less and value the present more, advises Tascha von Uexkull.