Dare we hope?
(7 minutes) World prospects seem bleak as 2025 begins, but Julia Wdowin still finds reasons for hope.
“To give in to pessimism … is to give up thinking”
(6 minutes) Society can be transformed by ‘a revolution of care’, more truth in public life, persevering hope and a greater appreciation of nuance, argues the Catalan philosopher Jaime Nubiola.
Hope for victims of divorce
(3 minute read) Reading Lord of the Rings helped Alexander Wolfe find ways forward for adult children suffering from their parents’ break-up.
Hope: the undervalued virtue
(3 minute read) Nicole Law takes an end of year look at the real meaning of hope.
Editorial: Lemonade from lemons
(2 minute read) Ronnie Convery learns there is a positive side to life's misfortunes.
Chronicling history with brush and paint
(5 minute read) As we celebrate International Women’s Day, Lisa Fraser is inspired by Laura Knight, a woman who overcame the prejudices of her time to become one of Britain’s greatest modern artists.
The poetry of hope
(2 minute read) Nicole Law takes up Pope Francis’ challenge to be a ‘social poet’ and encourages us to create hope.
The Lampedusa Cross
(4 minute read) The Lampedusa Cross in London’s British Museum is both a sign of contradiction and a sign of hope, as Jill Cook discovers.
Hope in hard times
(2 minute read) Nicole Law finds inspiration in Dickens’ words to have a soft heart, an even temper and gentle touch - even when times are trying.
Taking a bit of heaven into hell …
(4 minute read) “I saw nurses hand over their own mobile phones for patients to say their final goodbye to crying relatives.” Natasha Pritchard recalls her experiences of hospital chaplaincy during the pandemic.