When defending freedom becomes attacking freedom
(3 minute read) A proposed UK law designed to protect women from duress could end up denying freedom of expression, believes Zuzana Revayova.
Rehabilitating kindness
(5 minute read) It’s time to reclaim a forgotten virtue, says Edmund Adamus.
The essential right to be objectionable
(7 minute read) Edward Kendall urges an examination of conscience to establish whether we are really as open-minded as we like to think we are.
Hashtag Hush! Cancel culture and the right to free speech
(3 minute read) Nicole Law looks at the dilemmas posed by the new tendency to shame unpopular opinions via 'cancel culture'.
Losing friends: a free speech issue
(5 minute read) Jesselyn Lee reveals how expressing an unfashionable opinion can lead to social ostracisation. She views free speech as a social issue.