On being your brother’s keeper
(8 minutes) Isaac Withers explains what it’s like to experience Down Syndrome brotherhood and how the book brother. do. you. love. me. gets it.
How to stop the West from falling apart
(8 minutes) Jenny Sinclair believes that Catholic Social Thought can save us from the social fragmentation which is afflicting the Western world.
The window of the soul: the value of attention
(6 minutes) Catalan philosopher Jaime Nubiola says we have to pay attention to life to really learn its lessons.
Learning death: the importance of connection
(5 minutes) Jenny Sinclair describes how her mother’s efforts to support her dying husband, Jenny’s father, taught her how relationships with each other and with God make it easier to face the natural reality of death. And also about the meaning of life.
Dangers and opportunities: the role of religion in the Israel-Hamas war
(5 minutes) The leader of Singapore's Muslims, Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, argues that religion does not have to cause war: it could be used to end the fighting between Israelis and Palestinians.
“The human person is naturally sacred”
Adamah Media Editorial Director Fr Joseph Evans discusses faith and culture in this interview between him and Fr Toby Lees on Radio Maria.
We must learn from Frankenstein’s monster
(8 minutes) We need the humanities more than ever in the 21st century, believes Mary Ann MacDonald.
Malls or more: what are our cities for?
(6 minutes) Ricardo Padilla says it’s time to rethink urban life.
Bridging spirituality and ethics in the age of artificial intelligence
In this Creatives with AI podcast Adamah Media Editorial Director Joseph Evans discusses the ethics of artificial intelligence with David Brown.
The Politics of Petrol
(4 minutes) Petrostate climate diplomacy continues to be relevant in a world that is far from ready to let go of fossil fuels, argues Margareth Sembiring. And the COP28 conference last November-December made this very clear.