Editorial: Viruses worse than corona
(2 minute read) Viruses are everywhere. Some viruses kill. We need to protect ourselves from viruses. We have a responsibility to each other as members of the same human family …
Editorial: 7th February 2020
Last week the world was humbled into silence by the memory of the Shoah. With that same spirit of genuine humility, we now present the latest edition of Adamah.
Editorial: 10th January 2020
Welcome to edition two of Adamah, the new online journal aimed at stimulating thought and reflection on life’s big – and not so big – issues. Christmas has lit up the last month both in expectation and celebration and the feast’s secular cousin, the New Year, is upon us with, ironically, a very Christian call for new resolutions all round. We set out our stall as a publication last month – a vehicle for words to spark interest, open minds and encourage dialogue in a world where words wearing the uniform of vicious soundbites and angry tweets are used all too often to wound and destroy. With that in mind,…
Editorial: 6th December 2019
Listen, don’t shout. Talk calmly, don’t lecture. Laugh, don’t scream. Call this naively idealistic, if you like, but we’re launching Adamah with a hope, and yes a prayer, that it might just work... Co-founders Joseph Evans and Luke Wilkinson introduce our first edition.